Subject Name : Cryptography and Network Security
Subject Code : IT1352

1. Specify the four categories of security threads? ._Interruption ._Interception ._Modification ._Fabrication

2. Explain active and passive attack with example?
Passive attack:
Monitoring the message during transmission.
Eg: Interception
Active attack:
It involves the modification of data stream or creation of false data stream.
E.g.: Fabrication, Modification, and Interruption

3. Define integrity and nonrepudiation?
Service that ensures that only authorized person able to modify the message.
This service helps to prove that the person who denies the transaction is true or

4. Differentiate symmetric and asymmetric encryption?
Symmetric Asymmetric
It is a form of cryptosystem in which
encryption and decryption performed using
the same key.
It is a form of cryptosystem in which
encryption and decryption
Performed using two keys.

5. Define cryptanalysis?
It is a process of attempting to discover the key or plaintext or both.

6. Compare stream cipher with block cipher with example.
Stream cipher:
Processes the input stream continuously and producing one element at a time.
Example: caeser cipher.
Block cipher:
Processes the input one block of elements at a time producing an output block for
each input block.
Example: DES.

7. Define security mechanism
It is process that is designed to detect prevent, recover from a security attack.
Example: Encryption algorithm, Digital signature, Authentication protocols.

8. Differentiate unconditionally secured and computationally secured
An Encryption algorithm is unconditionally secured means, the condition is if the
cipher text generated by the encryption scheme doesn’t contain enough information to
determine corresponding plaintext.
Encryption is computationally secured means,
1. The cost of breaking the cipher exceed the value of enough information.
2. Time required to break the cipher exceed the useful lifetime of information.

9. Define steganography
Hiding the message into some cover media. It conceals the existence of a

10. Why network need security?
When systems are connected through the network, attacks are possible during
transmission time.

11. Define Encryption
The process of converting from plaintext to cipher text.

12. Specify the components of encryption algorithm.
1. Plaintext
2. Encryption algorithm
3. secret key
4. ciphertext
5. Decryption algorithm

13. Define confidentiality and authentication
It means how to maintain the secrecy of message. It ensures that the information
in a computer system and transmitted information are accessible only for reading by
autherised person.
It helps to prove that the source entity only has involved the transaction.

14. Define cryptography.
It is a science of writing Secret code using mathematical techniques. The many
schemes used for enciphering constitute the area of study known as cryptography.

15. Compare Substitution and Transposition techniques.
*A substitution techniques is one in which
the letters of plaintext are replaced by other
letter or by number or symbols.
*Eg: Caeser cipher.
* It means,different kind of mapping is
achieved by performing some sort of
permutation on the plaintext letters.
*Eg: DES, AES.

16. Define Diffusion & confusion.
It means each plaintext digits affect the values of many ciphertext digits which is
equivalent to each ciphertext digit is affected by many plaintext digits. It can be achieved
by performing permutation on the data. It is the relationship between the plaintext and
It can be achieved by substitution algorithm. It is the relationship between
ciphertext and key.

17. What are the design parameters of Feistel cipher network?
*Block size
*Key size
*Number of Rounds
*Subkey generation algorithm
*Round function
*Fast software Encryption/Decryption
*Ease of analysis

18. Define Product cipher.
It means two or more basic cipher are combined and it produce the resultant
cipher is called the product cipher.

19. Explain Avalanche effect.
A desirable property of any encryption algorithm is that a small change in either
the plaintext or the key produce a significant change in the ciphertext. In particular, a
change in one bit of the plaintext or one bit of the key should produce a change in many
bits of the ciphertext. If the change is small, this might provider a way to reduce the size
of the plaintext or key space to be searched.

20. Give the five modes of operation of Block cipher.
1. Electronic Codebook(ECB)
2. Cipher Block Chaining(CBC)
3. Cipher Feedback(CFB)
4. Output Feedback(OFB)
5. Counter(CTR)

21. State advantages of counter mode.
*Hardware Efficiency
*Software Efficiency
*Random Access
* Provable Security

22. Define Multiple Encryption.
It is a technique in which the encryption is used multiple times.
Eg: Double DES, Triple DES

23. Specify the design criteria of block cipher.
Number of rounds
Design of the function F
Key scheduling

24. Define Reversible mapping.
Each plain text is maps with the unique cipher text. This transformation is called
reversible mapping.

25. Specify the basic task for defining a security service.
A service that enhances the security of the data processing systems and the
information transfer of an organization. The services are intended to counter security
attack, and they make use of one or more security mechanism to provide the service.

26. What is the difference between link and end to end encryption?
Link Encryption End to End Encryption
1. With link encryption, each vulnerable 1.With end to end encryption, the
Communications link is equipped on encryption process is carried out at
Both ends with an encryption device the two end systems
2. Message exposed in sending host 2.Message encrypted in sending and
and in intermediate nodes intermediate nodes
3. Transperant to user 3.User applies encryption
4 .Host maintains encryption facility 4.Users must determine algorithm
5. One facility for all users 5.Users selects encryption scheme
6. Can be done in hardware 6.Software implementations
7. Provides host authentication 7.Provides user authentication
8. Requires one key per(host-intermediate) 8.Requires one key per user pair
Pair and (intermediate-intermediate)pair

27. What is traffic Padding? What is its purpose?
Traffic padding produces ciphertext output continuously, even in the
absence of the plain text. A continuous random data stream is generated. When plain text
is available, it is encrypted and transmitted. When input plaintext is not present, random
data are encrypted and transmitted. This makes it impossible to for an attacker to
distinguish between true dataflow and padding and therefore impossible to deduce the
amount of traffic.

28. List the evaluation criteria defined by NIST for AES?
The evaluation criteria for AES is as follows:
2. Cost
3.Algorithm and implementation characteristics

29. What is Triple Encryption? How many keys are used in triple encryption?
Triple Encryption is a technique in which encryption algorithm is
performed three times using three keys.

30. Differentiate public key and conventional encryption?
Conventional Encryption Public key Encryption
1. The same algorithm with the same 1.One algorithm is used for encryption
Key is used for encryption and decryption and decryption with a pair of keys,
one for encryption and another for
2. The sender and receiver must share 2.The sender and receiver
The algorithm and the key must each have one of the
Matched pair of keys
3. The key must be secret 3.One of two keys must be kept
4. It must be impossible or atleast impractial 4. It must be impossible or to
decipher a message if no other information at least impractical to decipher a
is available message if no other information
is available
5. Knowledge of the algorithm plus samples 5. Knowledge of the algorithm
of cipher text must insufficient to determine plus one of key plus samples of
the key ciphertext must be insufficient
to determine the other key.

31. What are the principle elements of a public key cryptosystem?
The principle elements of a cryptosystem are:
1.plain text
2.Encryption algoritm
3.Public and private key
4.Cipher text
5.Decryption algorithm

32. What are roles of public and private key?
The two keys used for public-key encryption are referred to as
the public key and the private key. Invariably, the private key is kept secret and the
public key is known publicly. Usually the public key is used for encryption purpose
and the private key is used in the decryption side.

33. Specify the applications of the public key cryptosystem?
The applications of the public-key cryptosystem can classified as follows
1. Encryption/Decryption: The sender encrypts a message with the recipient’s public
2. Digital signature: The sender “signs” a message with its private key. Signing is
achieved by a cryptographic algorithm applied to a message or to a small block of
data that is a function of the message.
3. Key Exchange: Two sides cooperate to exchange a session key. Several different
approaches are possible, involving the private key(s) of one or both parties.

34. What requirements must a public key cryptosystem to fulfill to a secured
The requirements of public-key cryptosystem are as follows:
1. It is computationally easy for a party B to generate a pair(Public key KUb, Private
key KRb)
2. It is computationally easy for a sender A, knowing the public key and the message
to be encrypted , M, to generate the corresponding ciphertext:
3. It is computationally easy for the receiver B to decrypt the resulting ciphertext
using the private key to recover the original message :
4. It is computationally infeasible for an opponent , knowing the public key,KUb,to
determine the private key,KRb.
5. It is computationally infeasible for an opponent , knowing the public key,KUb,
and a ciphertext, C, to recover the original message,M.
6. The encryption and decryption functions can be applied in either order:
M=EKUb[DKRb(M)]=DKUb [EKRb(M)]

35. What is a one way function?
One way function is one that map the domain into a range such that every
function value has a unique inverse with a condition that the calculation of the function is
easy where as the calculations of the inverse is infeasible.

36. What is a trapdoor one way function?
It is function which is easy to calculate in one direction and infeasible to calculate
in other direction in the other direction unless certain additional information is known.
With the additional information the inverse can be calculated in polynomial time. It can
be summarized as: A trapdoor one way function is a family of invertible functions fk,
such that
Y= fk( X) easy, if k and X are known
-1(Y) easy, if k and y are known
X= fk
-1(Y) infeasible, if Y is known but k is not known
37. Define Euler’s theorem and it’s application?
Euler’s theorem states that for every a and n that are relatively prime:
a ô€€€ ___ ____PRG_Q

38. Define Euler’s totient function or phi function and their applications?
The Euler’s totient function states that, it should be clear for a prime number p,
__________________________ __S_ _S-1

39. Describe in general terms an efficient procedure for picking a prime number?
The procedure for picking a prime number is as follows:
1. Pick an odd integer n at random (eg., using a pseudorandom number generator).
2. Pick an integer an; hence the term compression.

61. What is the difference between weak and strong collision resistance?
Weak collision resistance Strong resistance collision
For any given block x, it is computationally
infeasible to fine y[_ZLWK_+_\_ +_[__
It is computationally infeasible to find any
pair (x,y) such that H(x)=H(y)
It is proportional to 2n
It is proportional to 2 n/2

62. Compare MD5, SHA1 and RIPEMD-160 algorithm.
Digest length 128 bits 160 bits 160 bits
Basic unit of
512 bits
512 bits
512 bits
No of steps 64(4 rounds of
80 (4 rounds of
160 (5 paired rounds of 16)
message size
264-1 bits
264-1 bits
Primitive logical
constants used
64 4 9
Endianess Little Endian Big Endian Little Endian

63. Distinguish between direct and arbitrated digital signature?
Direct digital signature Arbitrated Digital Signature
The direct digital signature involves only
the communicating parties.
The arbiter plays a sensitive and crucial
role in this digital signature.
This may be formed by encrypting the
entire message with the sender’s private
Every signed message from a sender x to a
receiver y goes first to an arbiter A, who
subjects the message and its signature to a
number of tests to check its origin and

64. What are the properties a digital signature should have? ¾_It must verify the author and the data and time of signature. ¾_It must authenticate the contents at the time of signature. ¾_It must be verifiable by third parties to resolve disputes.

65. What requirements should a digital signature scheme should satisfy? ._The signature must be bit pattern that depends on the
message being signed. ._The signature must use some information unique to the
sender, to prevent both forgery and denial. ._It must be relatively easy to produce the digital signature. ._It must be relatively easy to recognize and verify the digital
signature. ._It must be computationally infeasible to forge a digital
signature, either by constructing a new message for an
existing digital signature or by constructing a fraudulent
digital signature for a given message. ._It must be practical to retain a copy of the digital signature
in storage.

66. Define Kerberos.
Kerberos is an authentication service developed as part of project Athena at MIT.
The problem that Kerberos address is, assume an open distributed environment in which
users at work stations wish to access services on servers distributed throughout the

67. What is Kerberos? What are the uses?
Kerberos is an authentication service developed as a part of project Athena at
MIT.Kerberos provide a centralized authentication server whose functions is to
authenticate servers.

68. What 4 requirements were defined by Kerberos?
._Secure ._Reliable ._Transparent ._Scalable

69. In the content of Kerberos, what is realm?
A full service Kerberos environment consisting of a Kerberos server, a no. of
clients, no.of application server requires the following: ._The Kerberos server must have user ID and hashed password of all participating
users in its database. ._The Kerberos server must share a secret key with each server. Such an
environment is referred to as “Realm”.

70. Assume the client C wants to communicate server S using Kerberos procedure.
How can it be achieved?
Dialogue between client ‘C’ , server ‘S’ and authentication server(AS) are given
a) C AS: [IDc|| Pc || IDs]
b) AS C: Ticket
c) C S: [IDc || ADc || IDs]
Ticket = EKs [IDc ||ADc || IDs]
Step 1: The user logon to workstation and request access to the server S. The
client module C in the workstation request user password and sends message to AS that
includes user ID(IDc), server ID(IDc) and its password.
Step 2: Now the AS verify users password against its password database, if it is valid. AS
sends the ticket to C that includes user ID(IDc), server ID(IDs) and the address of the
client workstation (ADc) are encrypted with key which is shared by both AS and
Step 3: Now the client use the ticket to server S, to send the message to S with IDc to
access service.

71. What is the purpose of X.509 standard?
X.509 defines framework for authentication services by the X.500 directory to its
users.X.509 defines authentication protocols based on public key certificates.

Unit IV & Unit V

1.What are the services provided by PGP services
•Digital signature
•Message encryption
•E-mail compatibility

2. Explain the reasons for using PGP?
a) It is available free worldwide in versions that run on a variety of platforms,
including DOS/windows, UNIX, Macintosh and many more.
b) It is based on algorithms that have survived extensive public review and are
considered extremely secure.
E.g.) RSA, DSS and Diffie-Hellman for public key encryption, CAST-128,
IDEA, 3DES for conventional encryption, SHA-1for hash coding.
c) It has a wide range of applicability from corporations that wish to select and
enforce a standardized scheme for encrypting files and communication.
d) It was not developed by nor is it controlled by any governmental or standards

3. Why E-mail compatibility function in PGP needed?
Electronic mail systems only permit the use of blocks consisting of ASCII text.
To accommodate this restriction PGP provides the service converting the row 8-
bit binary stream to a stream of printable ASCII characters. The scheme used for
this purpose is Radix-64 conversion.

4. Name any cryptographic keys used in PGP?
a) One-time session conventional keys.
b) Public keys.
c) Private keys.
d) Pass phrase based conventional keys.

5. Define key Identifier?
PGP assigns a key ID to each public key that is very high probability unique
with a user ID. It is also required for the PGP digital signature. The key ID
associated with each public key consists of its least significant 64bits.

6. List the limitations of SMTP/RFC 822?
a) SMTP cannot transmit executable files or binary objects.
b) It cannot transmit text data containing national language characters.
c) SMTP servers may reject mail message over certain size.
d) SMTP gateways cause problems while transmitting ASCII and EBCDIC.
e) SMTP gateways to X.400 E-mail network cannot handle non textual data
included in X.400 messages.

7. Draw the diagram for PGP message transmission reception?
8. What is the general format for PGP message?
9. Define S/MIME?
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension(S/MIME) is a security enhancement
to the MIME Internet E-mail format standard, based on technology from RSA Data

10. What are the elements of MIME? 9_Five new message header fields are defined which may be included in an
RFC 822 header. 9_A number of content formats are defined. 9_Transfer encodings are defined that enable the conversion of any content
format into a form that is protected from alteration by the mail system.

11. What are the headers fields define in MIME?
•MIME version.
•Content type.
•Content transfer encoding.
•Content id.
•Content description.

12. What is MIME content type and explain?
It is used to declare general type of data. Subtype define particular format
for that type of the data. It has 7 content type & 15 subtypes. They are,
1. Text type
•Plain text.
2. Multipart type
3. Message type
4. Image type
5. Video type.
6. Audio type.
7. Application type
•Post script.
•Octet stream.

13. What are the key algorithms used in S/MIME?
•Digital signature standards.
•Diffi Hellman.
•RSA algorithm.

14. Give the steps for preparing envelope data MIME?
•Generate Ks.
•Encrypt Ks using recipient’ s public key.
•RSA algorithm used for encryption.
•Prepare the ‘recipient info block’ .
•Encrypt the message using Ks.

15. What you mean by Verisign certificate?
Mostly used issue X.509 certificate with the product name” Verisign
digital id”. Each digital id contains owner’ s public key, owner’ s name and serial number
of the digital id.

16. What are the function areas of IP security?
•Key management.

17. Give the application of IP security?
•Provide secure communication across private & public LAN.
•Secure remote access over the Internet.
•Secure communication to other organization.

18. Give the benefits of IP security?
•Provide security when IP security implement in router or firewall.
•IP security is below the transport layer is transparent to the
•IP security transparent to end-user.
•IP security can provide security for individual user.

19. What are the protocols used to provide IP security?
•Authentication header (AH) protocol.
•Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) protocol.

20. Specify the IP security services?
•Access control.
•Connectionless integrity.
•Data origin authentication
•Rejection of replayed packet.
•Limited traffic for Confidentiality.

21. What do you mean by Security Association? Specify the parameters that
identifies the Security Association?
•An association is a one-way relationship between a sender and receiver that
affords security services to the traffic carried on.
•A key concept that appears in both the authentication and confidentiality
mechanism for IP is the security association (SA).
A security Association is uniquely identified by 3 parameters:
•Security Parameter Index (SPI).
•IP Destination Address.
•Security Protocol Identifier.

22. What does you mean by Reply Attack?
•A replay attack is one in which an attacker obtains a copy of an
authenticated packet and later transmits it to the intended destination.
•Each time a packet is send the sequence number is incremented in
the counter by the sender.

23. General format of IPsec ESP Format?
Security Parameter Index(SPI)
Sequence Number(SN)
Payload Data (Variable)
Padding(0-255 bytes)
Authentication Data (variable)

24. Differentiate Transport and Tunnel mode in IPsec?

25. What is Authentication Header? Give the format of the IPsec Authentication
It provides the authentication of IP Packet, so authentication is based on the
use of MAC.
Format of IPsec Authentication Header:
First Header Payload Length Reserved
Security Parameter Index(SPI)
Sequence number(SN)
Authentication Data(Variable)

26. Explain the format of ESP Transport Mode?
Orig IPhdr ESP
Fig: IPV4
Orig IP
Hop by
dest Tcp Data ESP
Transport mode Tunnel Mode
1. Provide the protection for
upper layer protocol between two
2. ESP in this mode encrypts and
optionally authenticates IP
Payload but not IP Header.
3. AH in this mode authenticate
the IP Payload and selected
portion of IP Header.
1. Provide the protection for entire IP
2. ESP in this mode encrypt authenticate
the entire IP packet.
3. AH in this mode authenticate the
entire IP Packet plus selected portion of
outer IP Header.

27. Define Transport Adjacency and Iterated Tunnel?
Transport Adjacency:
Apply authentication after encryption, two bundle transport mode Security
o Inner SA (ESP_SA)
o Outer SA(AH_SA)
Iterated Tunnel:
Apply authentication before encryption, 2 SA are combined,
o Inner Sa-AH transport mode.
o Outer Sa-ESP Tunnel mode.

28. Give features and weakness of Diffie Hellman?
•Secret keys created only when needed.
•Exchange requires no preexisting infrastructure.
WEAKNESS: ._Provide no information about identities. ._It is subjected to man in middle attack.

29. Explain man in the middle attack?
If A and B exchange message, means E intercept the message and receive
the B’ s public key and B’ s userId, E sends its own message with its own public key and
B’ s user ID based on the private key and Y. B compute the secret key and A compute k2
based on private key of A and Y.
30. List the steps involved in SSL record protocol?
1. SSL record protocol takes application data as input and fragments it.
2. Apply lossless Compression algorithm.
3. Compute MAC for compressed data.
4. MAC and compression message is encrypted using conventional alg.

31. Give SSL record format?
Plain Text(Optionally Compressed)
0, 16 or 20 bytes.

32. What are the different between SSL version 3 and TLS?
* In SSL the minor version is 0 and * In TLS, the major version is 3 and the
the major version is 3 minor version is 1.
* SSL use HMAC alg., except that * TLS makes use of the same alg.
the padding bytes concatenation.
* SSL supports 12 various alert * TLS supports all of the alert codes
codes. defined in SSL3 with the exception of
no _ certificate.

33. What is mean by SET? What are the features of SET?
Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) is an open encryption and security
specification designed to protect credit card transaction on the internet.
Features are:
1. Confidentiality of information
2. Integrity of data
3. Cardholder account authentication
4. Merchant authentication

34. What are the steps involved in SET Transaction?
1. The customer opens an account
2. The customer receives a certificate
3. Merchants have their own certificate
4. The customer places an order.
5. The merchant is verified.
6. The order and payment are sent.
7. The merchant requests payment authorization.
8. The merchant confirm the order.
9. The merchant provides the goods or services.
10. The merchant requests payment.

35. What is dual signature? What it is purpose?
The purpose of the dual signature is to link two messages that intended for
two different recipients.
To avoid misplacement of orders.

36. List the 3 classes of intruder?
Classes of Intruders
1) Masquerader
2) Misfeasor
3) Clandestine user

37. Define virus. Specify the types of viruses?
A virus is a program that can infect other program by modifying them the
modification includes a copy of the virus program, which can then go on to infect other
1) Parasitic virus
2) Memory-resident virus
3) Boot sector virus
4) Stealth virus
5) Polymorphic virus

38. What is application level gateway?
An application level gateway also called a proxy server; act as a relay of
application-level traffic. The user contacts the gateway using a TCP/IP application,
such as Telnet or FTP, and the gateway asks the user for the name of the remote host to
be accessed.

39. List the design goals of firewalls?
1. All traffic from inside to outside, and vise versa, must pass through
the firewall.
2. Only authorized traffic, as defined by the local security policy, will
be allowed to pass.
3. The firewall itself is immune to penetration.

Part B

Unit I

1. i) Explain Playfair cipher & Vernam cipher in detail.
Playfair cipher
i) Multiple letter encryption cipher
ii) Example
iii) Four Rules
Vernam Cipher
i) Encryption Ci = Pi Ki
ii) Decryption Pi = Ci Ki
iii) Example
ii) Convert “MEET ME” using Hill cipher with the key matrix
Convert the ciphertext back to plaintext.

2. Explain simplified DES with example.
•Structure of S-DES
•Key Generation
•Encryption –Block Diagram

3. Write short notes on
i) Steganography
•Historical Techniques
•Advanced Techniques
ii) Block cipher modes of operation
•Electronic Code book mode
•Cipher block chaining mode
•Cipher feedback mode
•Output feedback mode

4. Explain classical Encryption techniques in detail.
•Substitution techniques
o Caesar cipher
o Playfair Cipher
o Hill Cipher
o Monoalphabetic Cipher
o Polyalphabetic cipher
•Transposition Techniques

5. Write short notes on
a. Security services
•Non Repudiation
•Access Control
b. Feistel cipher structure
•Block diagram
•Explanation of Encryption and Decryption Process
•Design Parameters

6. Explain Data Encryption Standard (DES) in detail.
•Block diagram
•Details of Single Round
•Calculations of F(R, K)
•Key Generation
•DES Decryption

7. How AES is used for encryption/decryption? Discuss with example.
•AES Parameters
•Structure of AES
•AES Key Expansion

8. List the evaluation criteria defined by NIST for AES.
•Algo. And Implementation characteristics
•Final-9 points

Unit II
1. State and explain the principles of public key cryptography.
•Problems in CE

2. Explain Diffie Hellman key Exchange in detail with an example

3. Explain the key management of public key encryption in detail
•Public Key announcement
•Publicly available directory
•Public key Certification
•Public Key Authority
•Simple Secret Key Distribution
•Secret Key Distribution with confidentiality and authentication
•Hybrid Scheme

4. Explain RSA algorithm in detail with an example
•Computational Aspects
•Security of RSA

5. Briefly explain the idea behind Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem.
•EC over Real No and Zp
•ECC DH Key Exchange
•EC E/D
•Security of ECC

Unit III
1. Explain the classification of authentication function in detail
•Message Encryption
•Hash function

2. Describe MD5 algorithm in detail. Compare its performance with SHA-1.
•512 bit block size produces 128 bit MD
•Processing steps
•Compression function

3. Describe SHA-1 algorithm in detail. Compare its performance with MD5 and
RIPEMD-160 and discuss its advantages.
•512 bit block size produces 160 bit MD
•Processing steps
•Compression function
•Comparison and advantages

4. Describe RIPEMD-160 algorithm in detail. Compare its performance with
MD5 and SHA-1.
•512 bit block size produces 160 bit MD
•Processing steps
•Compression function

5. Describe HMAC algorithm in detail.

6. Write and explain the Digital Signature Algorithm.
•Signature = (r,s)
•Verify v = r’
•Block diagram

7. Assume a client C wants to communicate with a server S using kerberos
protocol. How can it be achieved?
•Simple Authentication Dialogue
•Secure Authentication Dialogue

Unit IV
1. Explain the operational description of PGP
•Email Compatibility

2. Write Short notes on S/MIME
•MIME Elements
•MIME Messages
•Certificate Processing

3. Explain the architecture of IP Security
•IP Sec. Documents
•IP Sec. Services
•Security Association

4. Write short notes on authentication header and ESP
•Authentication header format
•Anti replay service
•Transport and tunnel mode
•ESP format
•ESP Encryption and Authentication
•Combined Security Association

5. Explain in detail the operation of Secure Socket Layer in detail.
•SSL concepts
•SSL Record protocol operation
•Logical connection between client and server

6. Explain Secure Electronic transaction with neat diagram.
•Requirements and features
•Sequence of even
•Dual signature
•Payment processing

Unit V
1. Explain the technical details of firewall and describe any three types of firewall
with neat diagram
•Pack filtering router
•Application level gateway
•Circuit level gateway

2. Write short notes on Intrusion Detection.
•Intrusion Techniques
•Statistical anomaly detection
•Rule based detection
•Distributed Intrusion Detection

3. Define virus. Explain in detail.
A virus is a program that can infect other program by modifying them the
modification includes a copy of the virus program, which can then go on to infect other
•Nature of viruses – 4 phases
•Virus Structure
•Types of viruses
•Antivirus Approaches

4. Describe Trusted system in detail.
•Access control structure
•Reference Monitor concept

5. Explain in detail about password management.
•Password protection
Loadind a new password
Verifying a password
•Password selection strategies


  1. hey!! varalakshmi ya work is reaali brilliant.............thnks a lot......... m currently doin 4th yr cse......... i took printout of 2marks....... it will be REALLY USEFUL......

    thank you....

  2. This is brilliant. All these question answers helped me to clear so many doubts regarding the security concepts which are covered above. I bookmarked this article and its of great help to me.
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