Subject Name : Cryptography and Network Security Subject Code : IT1352 UNIT I 1. Specify the four categories of security threads? ._Interruption ._Interception ._Modification ._Fabrication 2. Explain active and passive attack with example? Passive attack: Monitoring the message during transmission. Eg: Interception Active attack: It involves the modification of data stream or creation of false data stream. E.g.: Fabrication, Modification, and Interruption 3. Define integrity and nonrepudiation? Integrity: Service that ensures that only authorized person able to modify the message. Nonrepudiation: This service helps to prove that the person who denies the transaction is true or false. 4. Differentiate symmetric and asymmetric encryption? Symmetric Asymmetric It is a form of cryptosystem in which encryption and decryption performed using the same key. It is a form of cryptosystem in which encryption and decryption Performed using two keys. Eg: DES, AES Eg: RS...